What is "Web 3.0"?

Giving myself a crash course into web 3.0. These are my notes.
  1. As a web 2.0 dev, I want a slim way to break into 3.0
  2. I'm primiarily a JS developer, but have been programming my whole life.
  3. I'm very confused at the tech behind web 3, but I'm starting to see the value
  4. NFT's have opened my eyes (this is written Nov 28th, 2021) to 3.0, specifically the utility side of things
  5. Right now, my take: it looks like Gaming is going to be the spearhead of everything, as is fintech in general.
  6. My goal: I want to look at things through my B2B / Marketing / Adtech lens, to serve an audience with a small tool. An MVP I can show people I know what I'm talking about from the tech and the value prop standpoint.

The resources I've found to get started wrapping my head around things.

I googled "solidity 101". Why? It's what I've seen people say is a whats used to make what is known as "smart contracts". I think it's a programming language, or syntax I've got to learn. What is a smart contract, though? From my naive understanding: it's data inside of a database.. But this data, and the database, are blockchains. Publically availale, but not able to be edited. It's a write-only database that multiple parties are responsible for. This is how web 2.0 apps differ from the web 3.0 "DAPPS", as the database (blockchain) is distributed amongst

Phase 2: who knows...

At this point, I do actually have a better grasp (or at least my confidence is growing). My goal is still the same: build a useful MVP. Something that has a very narrow / specific use case, and deploy it. From my understanding, that will be a mix of web 2 and web 3 technologies. Something as an example that comes to mind i marckohlbrugge's pay.game.

Maybe "reverse engineering" how he did that will be more useful. Because, at this point, I cannot. I get what it does from a naive UI perspective, but not how it works. It's a simple leaderboard: the highest bidder sits on the top. I understand that loosely.. But, since this is built on the blockchain: where does this Eth actually live? Is this like, one simple smart contract, and the web app displays it's content? How does he automatically send people a NFT? Metamask/WalletConnect.. This is like the way to let users "login" and send Etherium to my DAPP. Thankfully, he actually answers a bunch of these questions and more in the About page. I found this list of technologies he used in his Tweets:

Here are his reccomended links to learn: https://cryptozombies.io https://buildspace.so https://hardhat.org/tutorial/ https://web3.career/learn-web3

Naive Data Model:
  one: { name, link, amount },
  two: { name, link, amount },
  two: { name, link, amount },
  two: { name, link, amount },
  two: { name, link, amount },
  two: { name, link, amount },
  two: { name, link, amount },
  eight: { name, link, amount },
  nine: { name, link, amount },
  ten: { name, link, amount },

Stopped in my tracks, at the moment by this fact: Cost of Smart Contract Deployment This means I have to be more strategic with my MVP, as I'd like to recoup that money if it costs that much.. And/or I look into potential alternatives.. Which, I'm guessing that means other Blockchains entirely, aside from Etherium. I'm going to look back into the gaming industry.

Today is Dec 5th, 2021. Of course, Cloudflare has a great article that is really helping things click further for me: Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare. This article helped my brain grasp some concepts. Especially when put into context of a typical MVC type of application. I've decided to go through buildspace's tutorial. I'll report back here when I've finished.

I've now found buildspace. They are helping me understand things much better. Will report back after a few more lessons. (Dec 10th)